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התוכנית שתהפוך אותך לאמא גיבורת על תוך 21 ימים
סרטון חובה לקראת התוכנית מתמיר נהור:
Want to improve your child's self-confidence?
Develop the ability to deal with challenging situations
to impart courage and self-confidence
overcome the fear of failure
Build perseverance and high self-worth
Strengthen social and leadership skills

Tamir Nahor invites you:
Begin30 day processBuild self-confidence for your children and prevent frustration and a sense of low self-worth. To impart abilities and tools to live a life full of confidence and courage.
* Various and adapted programs from ages 3.5 to ages 12.
* Group meetings in Tel Aviv and the surrounding area.
success stories:
* Various and adapted programs from ages 3.5 to ages 12.
* Group meetings in Tel Aviv and the surrounding area.
success stories:
* Various and adapted programs from ages 3.5 to ages 12.
* Group meetings in Tel Aviv and the surrounding area.
success stories:
I still don't know what exactly we will focus on with your child, but this is the painful truth:
Too many parents tell me that:
Their child has difficulty with frustration in challenging situations.
It is difficult to deal with being bullied, and bullied a lot.
There are inhibitions and insecurity to try things outside the comfort zone.